In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated the second Monday in October. That is one reason they are already into Christmas so much. The Santa Claus Parade was last Saturday night. A family that lives on the parade route invited the branch for hot chocolate afterward. It was a little branch social so we went. We walked there and back and didn't even freeze. But, forgot to take our camera so didn't get any pictures, maybe next year!
Have pictures showing what we did on Thanksgiving day. The most special part is that we got to FaceTime with most of our family. We had fourteen of those sweet little children together. Nothing makes us homesick except seeing those beautiful little faces. Makes us contemplate all the wonderful blessings we have in our life. What a loving Heavenly Father we have. He has blessed us more than we could have dreamed possible! What a blessing to be here to serve Him. What a blessing to have this wonderful gospel in our life to lead and guide us back home to Him with our family. I think of these great blessings each day but what a wonderful time of year we have to share all this with each other. We are thankful for this "plan of happiness" that we have been blessed with. Thank you, to all of our wonderful children for choosing great spouses and choosing to raise those beautiful children in the gospel. Thank you for supporting and sustaining us as we strive to serve the branch in Yellowknife.

Elder Garrett also had an Addiction Recovery meeting.
Mr. Fix-it is at it again. We are drying out up here! Our skin and sinuses are
not used to this weather. Elder Garrett found this humidifier in the closet.
He spent the morning cleaning it and putting a new filter in it. He had
afternoon appointments.
Sister Garrett cleaned the chairs in the Chapel and Relief Society room.
Sister Garrett worked on her Relief Society lesson for Sunday.
Our Thanksgiving feast was "fried bologna sandwiches." Don't do that too often,
We had company for dinner last night and had the leftover peach cobbler with our
We had Stake Priesthood Leadership meeting tonight. It was a broadcast from
Edmonton. So Sister Garrett had cupcakes and milk for our three Priesthood
We will share our Thanksgiving day with the Nestman family on Saturday. Brother Nestman had to work today. So we will not be missing out on all those great looking meals we saw on Facebook today!