The stake Patriarch and his wife arrived last Friday. She started feeling bad on the plane ride here. He came and visited with us and she stayed at the hotel. We invited them back for dinner if she was feeling like it. He called and said she was feeling worse and he was going to the drug store to get her some medicine. I had already cooked dinner so we invited Brother Bellis to eat with us (he was here working on home teaching with President Garrett and his wife was at work (she is a nurse). Brother Anderson came over Saturday for lunch and we invited him back for dinner, his wife figured she had the flu by this time and was trying to feel better because she and Bro. Anderson were to be the speakers in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. So Brother Anderson came back for dinner and he and Pres. Garrett had a good time visiting because Brother Anderson has as many stories as Pres. Garrett!
Brother Anderson, Edmonton North Stake Patriarch |
Sis. Anderson was feeling better on Sunday and was able to speak with Brother Anderson. They both gave great talks. Bro. Anderson shared his first phone conversation with Pres. Garrett and of course he was using his best southern drawl! He said Pres. Garrett said I havee nevvver beeen sooo coldddd! But i havee nevvver mett succch gooood peoplle up heeerr. Then he proceed to tell us that we are the frozen chosen! He lives in Edmonton but travels in the northern areas in his business and he calls this the frozen chosen because everyone in the north are always good and hospitable to each other. It is so cold up here that everybody is always willing to help each other out.
He gave a blessing at 3:00 and then we had dinner together. Sis. Anderson was feeling better but started to have a cough. We had a fireside at 6:00 where Brother Anderson talked about Patriarchal Blessings. It was a great fireside, we had twelve in attendance but wished there were certain others there. Everyone then came down to our apartment for refreshments and Brother and Sister Anderson visited with us for quite a while after the others had left. They have eight children and twenty-eight grandchildren with three more on the way. A great couple doing a great job serving The Lord.
Brother Anderson gave another blessing on Monday afternoon and after that they took us out to dinner. We had a wonderful time with them. It is always fun to rub shoulders with good members of the church. I forgot to take pictures again so after we had dinner we took these in the lobby of their hotel.
Elder and Sister Garrett with Brother and Sister Anderson. |
Brother and Sister Anderson |
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